Court Sucks!!

I must say that the judicial system in America sucks... Or maybe just the one here in Niggaville aka Atlanta. I had to go to court today because of the four.. yes four traffic citations I got after being pulled over about a month ago. First off the courthouse is complete chaos and there is no kind of order at all despite this being a place that has a serious police presence.
All the employees acted like assholes because I didn't know "the procedure". I guess they assume if your black, young, and male that your ass has been through either a correctional facility or a courthouse before, so you should automatically "get in, where you fit in". Here I am thinking I'm running late because my ticket says I was supposed to be there by 1pm, WRONG!!
I go to the desk to try to find my name amongst the hundreds of others who are on the court list for today and I knew I was in for a long ass wait. Sure enuff I get up stairs and its just a (be forewarned I'm about to say some insensitive shit right now, so if you do not want to be offended stop now) sea of niggas, a few Ching-Chongs, A couple of "essays", and a few token "Pink Toes". I figure I'll be here all day if I don't somehow get my ass to the front of the line. Going unnoticed when your 6'5 and in a suit is pretty hard to do.
The Baliff comes out and yells "If you are here for a citation and not a ticket, come to the front of the line. "We only letting in the first 10 people."
People were scrambling as if we were trying to get to see Jesus at the Pearly Gates... But my ass sure did come in at number 5.. (By the way Lord, forgive me for stepping on that old white man's toes.)
A few observations from my visit to the court house.
1. On the bench I was sitting at why did someone write "BMF BITCH" in bold letters..
I found that pretty ironic since their organization is probably the most dangerous crime family in the country and currently in jail for a litany of charges .
2.Apparently a lotta people can't drive for shit.. Some of the charges they got were funny as hell.
3.Why did this dude almost get his ass knocked the fucked out by the police for talking shit under his breath to the judge.. ole Fake ass Brian Nichols a
4. When It came time for me to approach the judge to announce my plea (By the way It was "No Contest) why was my ass nervous as if I was about to go to jail or something..
But all in all it was an intresting look into the judicial system for the first time.
But, the downside was the fact that because they were so overcrowded my court date has been rescheduled until next month...DAMN
Where's The Beef

It was only a matter of time before my words were going to incite some one to get a little emotional... but its all good though.. The pen happens to be mightier than the sword.. Now I'll admit that I did spit a little venom because in my opinion I felt that this particular blogger was went over board with calling our black queens bitches.
But in all reality I understand with a wardrobe like this (By the way if you are going to be a self proclaimed mack I'm going to need you to not wear Beverly Hills Polo Club shirts from Target.. Macks are supposed to be a little tighter than that.)

And if possible please get one of your lady friends to invest in a large bottle of Cocoa Butter for your crusty ass hands.. (Another F.Y.I. , This is not 1988 14K gold Nugget Rings are not in style anymore. I suggest you take that back to the Swap Meet on Crenshaw Blvd where you got that from.)

Albeit I may have been a bit out of line with my funny ass comment...
"wow your fictional character is very thought provoking.... Ok dumbass in case you are too slow to pick up on the sarcasm, stop bullshitting with yourself and get off your momma's phone line writing about how you are a wack ass wannabe mack from compton"
But hey I call em like I see em...
Now To TopMack I'm offering you an opportunity of a lifetime to come to the ATL and try to see what Southern Hospitality is all about and realize that your fictional characters would not work down here... Now I went ahead and took the liberty of finding you some decent rates on Greyhound Since I know you Mack's like to roll in style..
Snap Music=Crap Music

Now I've sat back this week and I've found several different blogs that have questioned the validity of "Snap Music" as a music form. As well call into question the southern rap scene as a whole. Its frustrating on several levels because majority of the people who criticize southern rap music are from up north. Everyone knows New Yorkers tend to be the most narcisisstic bunch of people on the face of the planet.
Here's a sample of some of the hate I've read lately"I’ve had it up to here with you dumbasses sabotaging our musical legacy in the name of ass shaking"
"Everything about this music sucks, the lyrics, the beats, the incessant
finger snapping, even the guys look like losers." (ouch)Now I have a problem especially with that last statement.... Are you implying that cats from New York don't look like losers as well??? Case in Point
If that doesn't look like a loser than what do you call that??
Or I've even heard people say that cats from the south look ignorant because we like to sport gold and platinum grills, that we are dumbing down hip-hop, and basically putting on a minstrel show.... May I Present to You...
Up North Niggas

Down South Niggas
Now tell me what the fuck is the damn difference??
Your Honor, the Defense Rests...
To be honest with you, as a born and raised Atlantan who happens to be a lover of hip hop, alot of people fail to realize is that majority of the local music( and when I refer to local I'm not talking about your Outkast, T.I. Ludacris, major label niggas) from the A that blows up is made strictly for people who like that kind of music. D4L’s intent for making Laffy taffy was to provide a soundtrack for the dance that is so popular and for ghetto ass clubs like the Poole Palace, Prime TIme, Chocolate. etc... It just so happened that their particular songs blew up and went nationwide.. Most of the local artists here are concerned with getting a little love from the radio and the streets. So the fact that the song is the number one downloaded song in the country is even more astonishing. I know its frustrating that N.Y. is not ruiling hip hop and arguably hasn’t since B.I.G died…
If you don’t like the music coming from the south don’t listen to it and please don't buy it. Cause either way some white kid in Davenport, Iowa is buying the album for you and trying to lean wit it and rock it in a very off beat fashion.
Where Ya Been At?? is naming several politicians and entertainers, claiming that the secret group is responsible for the deleting and ending of Zeezy4Sheezy's critically acclaimed blog. According to the site, Bill Cosby, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan and others are all part of the plan. ”Zeezy4Sheezy was haunted by a secret. One that only he was aware of, and one he couldn't share with anyone, lest his comedy empire crumble,” the introduction reads.” He knew that at the same time he was having many readers read his blogs weekly, there was a secret cabal of powerful African-American leaders from the business, political, and entertainment industries working together to ensure that the second blog for the Air Up There Vol II. would never happen.”
Happy New Year's Ladies and Gentlemen! Yes, it took several death threats and other promises of bodily injury from fellow bloggers to get me to wake up out of my coma that I've been in for the last month. I haven't even been reading as many blogs lately. Part of my inability to write anything latley has been due to the fact that for about 3 weeks in December my job was working me like a Hebrew Slave. I mean 10-14 hours a day at work can wear anyone out mentally so everytime I gathered myself to post anything, I just sat at the compruter (Yes, I meant to say compruter) and stared at it. It was awful! Being the conspiracy theorist that I am, I almost felt compelled to go to Africa ala Dave Chappelle to deal with my problems but its 2006 so I must start anew.
Big Ups to the College Football National Champions the University of Texas Longhorns! What an amazing end to an amazing game. Vince Young singlehandedly put his team on his back like Moses and lead them to the promise land. You my friend have just earned yourself a large payday come April for the NFL Draft.