Tell em Why you Mad
Something's got to change soon.. I feel like I'm stuck on a Hamster wheel just going round and round... I need to create some type change in my life now and soon. I feel like I'm drifting further and further from the goals I've set for myself thus far in life. I really am going to have to do some soul searching because even though you hear people say "oh, don't worry about what everyone else is doing" but I feel like the real me is slowly losing touch with reality.. He's waiting to come out but because of the obstacles and hurdles I've placed in front of myself I've shied away from certain opportunities. Something's gotta give... I'm not meant to be a regular dude.. I was put hear to achieve greatness and right now I'm falling far short of what I'm capable of. I wonder what my mom would say about me if she were still alive...I've had to learn alot of things the hard way but the lessons I'm learning now are humbling..
I don't even feel comfortable approaching females anymore..
my self esteem is suffering.. I'm need a serious confidence boost. I mean realistically what do I have to offer anyone but these damn good looks (ok, I'm reaching). I feel like a scrub sometimes. There's nothing about me that stands out in the crowd from the next man.. All I got is a decent job, a crummy apartment and a box of Thin Mints girl scout cookie.. oh yeah and Comcast Digital Cable, and my new best friend my 30gig Ipod.
ok I'm done venting ya'll.. I'm not really crazy, I'm just figuring my way out in this cruel world..