Thursday, March 30, 2006

Tell em Why you Mad

Something's got to change soon.. I feel like I'm stuck on a Hamster wheel just going round and round... I need to create some type change in my life now and soon. I feel like I'm drifting further and further from the goals I've set for myself thus far in life. I really am going to have to do some soul searching because even though you hear people say "oh, don't worry about what everyone else is doing" but I feel like the real me is slowly losing touch with reality.. He's waiting to come out but because of the obstacles and hurdles I've placed in front of myself I've shied away from certain opportunities. Something's gotta give... I'm not meant to be a regular dude.. I was put hear to achieve greatness and right now I'm falling far short of what I'm capable of. I wonder what my mom would say about me if she were still alive...

I've had to learn alot of things the hard way but the lessons I'm learning now are humbling..

I don't even feel comfortable approaching females anymore..

my self esteem is suffering.. I'm need a serious confidence boost. I mean realistically what do I have to offer anyone but these damn good looks (ok, I'm reaching). I feel like a scrub sometimes. There's nothing about me that stands out in the crowd from the next man.. All I got is a decent job, a crummy apartment and a box of Thin Mints girl scout cookie.. oh yeah and Comcast Digital Cable, and my new best friend my 30gig Ipod.

ok I'm done venting ya'll.. I'm not really crazy, I'm just figuring my way out in this cruel world..

3 Say Something:

"I was put hear to achieve greatness and right now I'm falling far short of what I'm capable of. I wonder what my mom would say about me if she were still alive... "

How many times have I spoken these words? I sometimes feel that I took a seriously crooked detour 6 years ago (since my mom died)...spun outta control and got so far off course that I couldn't find my way back with a flashlight and a Chex Mix trail. Well, as your song says, "Keep Ya Head Up"...things are going to get easier, b/c I believe we're in the midst of the difficult parts of life right now.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:24 PM  

This post was serious. Thank you for letting us in a little bit. I think you may be on your way to something...with such deep reflection...I am certain some of your answers will be forthcoming...Continue to work hard....

By Blogger DJ Diva, at 8:15 PM  

first time in your post and i have the same damn feeling. The difference is that were are in different countries and setting but the same nagging reflections of our lives. Thats deep......

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:18 AM  

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Monday, March 06, 2006

It's Not That Hard Out Here anymore for Me

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Last night I watched probably the proudest moment in my life on television… Now typically I rarely watch award shows because they tend to be quite redundant and boring (ex. MTV Awards, Grammys, Vibe) But when I heard a couple of weeks ago that 3-6 Mafia was going to be actually performing “It’s Hard Out Here for A Pimp” I knew I was in store for some ground breaking ish..

Many questions ran through my mind.. 1. Are they going to keep clean? What are they going to wear? Were the going to be themselves? Being that the Oscars is probably the snootiest, snobbiest of crowds I was just anxious to see what was going to go down. Cause if you are like me and have been listening to 3-6 Mafia (who, in my own opinion are the originators of “Crunk’ music) for the last 10 years are fully aware that their music has been known to incite a riot or two and revolutionized “throwing bows” as an art form. I flipped back and forth for about 2 hours when I finally stumbled upon appropriately, Ludacris presenting none other than 3-6 Mafia featuring Taraji P. Henson who was looking decent for a change. She’s the best in the game when its come to playing chickenhead role in a movie.. (She’s part of the reason I quote Baby Boy so much) I was pleased that they kept it gangsta the whole time and didn’t sell out. I was leaning and rocking and gangsta walking the entire performance. Now if that would have been it then I would have been cool..

But then when actually got to the presentation of the award I said to myself “There is no way in hell they are going to let these niggas win, I mean they just let Jaime Foxx, Denzel and Halle win the last 2 –3 years. The Academy has reached its quota for black folks for at least a good 25 years. When they were about to open the envelope I was sweating as if my ass was R.Kelly at Girl Scouts meeting.. And the Oscar goes to ……….Jordan Houston and Paul Bearugard bka Juicy J, and DJ Paul.. I was jumping up and down.. And the beautiful thing about it all they were actually happy they won.. Just cheeseing from ear to ear showing they grillz off.. Screaming Memphis, Tennessee.. I'd like to thank my baby momma, Pookie, Ray-Ray, Craig and dem!!…

The quote of the evening came from Jon Stewart who chastised the relatively boring crowd “Why is it that they aren’t even actors (well actually they are they did make those funny ass “Choices” movies)and they are they happiest to actually receive this award…

My final thought to myself: Hell has actually frozen over now.. and Pigs are going to start flying soon.

6 Say Something:

Zeezy, I'm reaching but I can't feeling you. I'm trying. I wanted to not shirk away from my television screen but I couldn't help it. I wanted to believe that Hollywood was promoting diversity, but I didn't really feel that way.

I felt like the Acadamey pulled a fast one on us, just so they could laugh and email the youtube link to eachother!

By Blogger A.u.n.t. Jackie, at 1:50 PM  

im sick i missed the performance but John Stewart was off the chain last night. He gave all those hollyweird-ists the bizness. It was a great night.

By Blogger Unknown, at 2:37 PM  

What's up Zeezy! Just stopping in to say hey!!

By Blogger DramaFree, at 7:44 PM  

Represent!!! I did the same thing on my Big hugs!

By Blogger MZPEACH, at 11:47 AM  

them my folks main. nice post chk mine out called 6 6 6

By Blogger All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo, at 8:07 AM  

i missed it...and i guess i didn't miss much.

By Blogger muffins gone WILD!, at 3:18 AM  

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