California Love & Shit I Hate Seeing
Today is Tuesday August 22, 2006. Yes, its finally here ladies and gentlemen.. No, not not my birthday (We Leo's never stop beggin for attention!!) that was 10 days ago.. It's Outkast album release date!! But, Houston we have problem.. For some reason I'm not too hopeful for this record. I've been buying Outkast albums the day they came out since ATLIENS came out 10 years ago in 1996 (damn that was redundant). I'm mean every song that has been officially released or leaked on the net has done absolutely nothing for me.. I really tried to like "Mighty O" I even caught myself smiling with delight as Andre flexed his skills on the mic for the first time in about 3 or 4 years. But still it didn't hold my attention the way a "Bombs over Baghdad" did. Then came Morris Brown, like the hook not feeling the video or song.. Then they try to throw "Idlewild Blues" to see if that shit will stick and it hasn't grown on me either. Now Dre isn't the greatest singer in the world, ok let's be real he's just a shade better than Nelly but a 1/4 of the talent of a Purple Rain Prince and that song ain't flying with me either.. Oh well I'll buy anyway just cause I'm a true Stan!! (Random Thought... Why is Speakerboxx still sitting on my living room floor with Nann scratch on it!! I bought that double CD 3 years ago and its not even in its case and still no scratch but yet the "Love Below" that sits in my car can only play like 4 songs on there without fucking up!!)Ok Now onto what I sat down at this compruter to do.. Talk about my Women Situation.
Now to any red blooded male living in this jungle they call da ATL.. You know about the "RATIO".. 10 gals to every guy. Now I do meet lots of pretty girls but there's a catch.. outta that 10... 80% of them are not compatible with ya man and the remaining percentage or either married, involved, lesbos, or not attracted to my tall, handsome, lanky ass.. So basically I'm stuck in a mirage basically.. I see all of these beautiful sistas and can't really get wit none of em.. But there is always a catch or an exception to that rule..

So she invites me out to dinner with her and a friend BUT, her gay friend she is staying with for the weekend is going.. So naturally I said "hell to tha naw" (ok that's what I wanted to say but kept it safe and said no I'm straight)..
So i just told her lets get up for drinks when u get back.. So we go out and the strangest thing happened.. I'm talking bout it was like the Fourth of July up in that piece!!! There were sparks like I could not imagine.. I mean we were finishing each other sentences.. So we walked and talked and kissed.. The inevitable happened....Those words that every nigga in the world loves to hear.. "Let's go back to your place." Just to hear that phrase alone makes me hard enuff to cut diamonds!!! But unfortunately it was late as hell and being that she had to get on the road to drive all the way back to Cali and I had to be at work by 6 A.M. Giving her the "Stick Shift" was not the business.. Plus I like her and I don't want to lose interest by sexing her too soon.. We'll see what happens when I head out to Cali for a 3,000 mile booty call.. I gotta go Part 2 of Spike Lee's movie is about come on peace!!!