It's Not That Hard Out Here anymore for Me

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Last night I watched probably the proudest moment in my life on television… Now typically I rarely watch award shows because they tend to be quite redundant and boring (ex. MTV Awards, Grammys, Vibe) But when I heard a couple of weeks ago that 3-6 Mafia was going to be actually performing “It’s Hard Out Here for A Pimp” I knew I was in store for some ground breaking ish..
Many questions ran through my mind.. 1. Are they going to keep clean? What are they going to wear? Were the going to be themselves? Being that the Oscars is probably the snootiest, snobbiest of crowds I was just anxious to see what was going to go down. Cause if you are like me and have been listening to 3-6 Mafia (who, in my own opinion are the originators of “Crunk’ music) for the last 10 years are fully aware that their music has been known to incite a riot or two and revolutionized “throwing bows” as an art form. I flipped back and forth for about 2 hours when I finally stumbled upon appropriately, Ludacris presenting none other than 3-6 Mafia featuring Taraji P. Henson who was looking decent for a change. She’s the best in the game when its come to playing chickenhead role in a movie..

But then when actually got to the presentation of the award I said to myself “There is no way in hell they are going to let these niggas win, I mean they just let Jaime Foxx, Denzel and Halle win the last 2 –3 years. The Academy has reached its quota for black folks for at least a good 25 years. When they were about to open the envelope I was sweating as if my ass was R.Kelly at Girl Scouts meeting.. And the Oscar goes to ……….Jordan Houston and Paul Bearugard bka Juicy J, and DJ Paul.. I was jumping up and down.. And the beautiful thing about it all they were actually happy they won.. Just cheeseing from ear to ear showing they grillz off.. Screaming Memphis, Tennessee.. I'd like to thank my baby momma, Pookie, Ray-Ray, Craig and dem!!…
The quote of the evening came from Jon Stewart who chastised the relatively boring crowd “Why is it that they aren’t even actors (well actually they are they did make those funny ass “Choices” movies)and they are they happiest to actually receive this award…
My final thought to myself: Hell has actually frozen over now.. and Pigs are going to start flying soon.