Ridin Clean

It's Official!! I have retired the size 12 dress shoes/tennis shoes , put the MARTA card on suspension and stepped into a new car!!
Do you understand what that means Ladies and Gentlemen
1.That means no more taxi cab rides
2.No more conveniently bumming rides from people.
3.No more going on dates with my date picking me up.
4.No more walking home from work anymore
5.No more sitting at home because my ass can't go any further than Midtown or Downtown.
6.No more harassment from bums as they walk past me down the street.
7.More attention from shallow chickenheads.
8.A valid excuse to Valet Park my car.
9.Now when I'm hungry ass hell late at night I can actually get my ass up and go to Fellini's!!!
10.Most importantly an instant confidence boost.
Man my luck is on the rise again.. For the first time in months I actually met a female and she actually didn't give me the "I have a boyfriend, can't you tell I'm lying out my ass" diss. I actually had a good lengthy conversation with her despite the fact I was at Club Vision. She's from New Orleans(I have a fondness for those Bayou accents!!!). She was attending Xavier University but then transferred to Georgia State after she decided to stay in the A. As u can tell I don't get very much play often but when I do find what I'm looking for I usually do a good job of picking the wrong ones for all the right reasons. I'm sure u can understand my excitement. My love life has been non existent.. I'm worried if my third legs still works anymore its been so long. So we'll see where this goes. I got to see my old roomate Mitch last night and kicked it with him like it was old times at Lexington Crossing.. I even saw my older brother which was a trip in itself..We both promised that we need to do a better job of keeping in touch with each other.. I even saw my ex's cousin who I wasn't sure if she was coming on to me or if she was just a little tipsy and being friendly.. ALL in ALL its been a great week!!
Until next time