Real Men

Now before my blog was deleted my last post was about how women often times say one thing but actually mean something entirely different. I know that a few of you took issue or offense to the fact that I didn't make any mention that men often do the same thing. Once again, I will make another disclaimer. This is just my attempt to make sense of the female species and I am only drawing upon my own experiences. Well to those who were concerned, Lately I've been thinking alot about who is considered a REAL MAN because I had someone tell me that is what they need now?
You hear both men and women using this term. What does it mean? Is it even important?
It's almost like the Loch-ness Monster or Bigfoot. You've heard alot about it, people claimed to have seen one but no one is actually really sure if it exists.
Well, after thinking about this particular topic for a long time okay actually 20 minutes when I was on the toilet , I've come to the conclusion that it is a VERY important topic. At this point, I believe that a REAL MAN is this "ideal" that women imagine when they're saying "I want a guy who is sensitive". They're thinking of the REAL MAN, and then they're imagining him ALSO being sensitive. There are a lot of aspects to this REAL MAN.
Here are a few criterion I've come up with:
-Lack of Insecurities
-A Challenge
-Superior Sex Game
So to the readers, what is your version of a real man??